Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Did I really just do that?

I did it. I completed the Route 66 Half Marathon on Sunday!!!

It was absolutely freezing outside at the start line. Check that, it was below freezing; 26 degrees with a wind chill of 13 degrees. Thankfully the hubby drove me as close to the start line as he could and dropped me off so I wouldn't have to walk far or stand around forever in the cold.

It was so cold that I didn't really get nervous because I was too busy focusing on the fact that I couldn't feel ANYTHING!!! I was in the last corral at the start (13+ min/mile) so it took my group awhile to get to the start line after the gun went off. As a matter of fact, I didn't even hear a gun. We inched forward and bounced around to stay warm. When I finally reached the start line I took off through all the confetti and that excitement/adrenaline lasted about 10 seconds. It hit me really hard what I was about to undertake; 13.1 miles is no joke.

My shins were feeling amazing and nothing hurt, so I thought that was a pretty good sign, but I was less than a mile into the race. I was expecting to see my Dad and hubby at mile 2, but they surprised me before mile 1, and it was awesome. Seeing them unexpectedly really gave me a boost. They rode their bikes in that freezing weather to see me several times on the route and I am so thankful. It made a huge difference for me mentally and I didn't feel so alone out there.

I saw Dad and hubby again just after mile 2 and then we started into a pretty hilly neighborhood. This was the first time I had to walk for any extended period of time and I wasn't pleased. What goes up must come down though; so there were plenty of opportunities for me to "sprint" downhill and make-up for walking. Just outside of the neighborhoods near Woodward Park between miles 4 and 5 I saw actual bathrooms. Not porta potties, BATHROOMS people! Obviously I stopped and stood in line. I waited a good 10 minutes but it was worth it. I remembered to turn off my Nike app while waiting but I knew there was nothing I could do about my chip time. It is what it is and I had to pee!

I saw the hubby again right before Brookside around mile 6. I gave him a pair of my gloves because my hands were getting warm, but that's the only layer I shed the entire race. It never really got any warmer no matter how much I ran. My face was frozen and I couldn't feel my ass at all. Very weird sensation while running by the way. I'm used to that thing bouncing all over the place back there. I suppose it still was, I just couldn't feel it.

Mile 6 was a tough one. I knew the last part of the race was northbound along Riverside into downtown. When the route took us west and I could see people running on Riverside I was super pumped. My enthusiasm waned when I saw that we were headed southbound for what I assumed to be a turnaround (I didn't exactly memorize the route, just bits and pieces of it). But we ran south on Riverside for awhile and then turned back east (AGGGHHHHH why are we backtracking) towards Peoria. Then we ran south down Peoria (Brookside) all the way to 33rd (I think). During this little stretch of pavement, I had quite an emotional moment. 'Hold On For One More Day' by Wilson Phillips came on my phone and I literally started bawling. My sister and Mom and I used to listen to Wilson Phillips while cleaning house all the time and this song just tore me up! Do you have any idea how hard it is to run with a lump in your throat? No? Well it's stupid hard!

By the time the route turned us onto 33rd through a neighborhood towards Riverside I had lost track of what mile I was at. My hands were too frozen to pull my phone out of my belt and check, so I just kept going. There was a group of people sitting in their front yard by a fire handing out beer! I told them that it was tempting, but that I wanted to finish (crazy folks). They had a sign in the yard that said 'Don't blow the last 4-3/4 miles', so I suppose I was between mile 8 and 9 at this point.

As I turned onto Riverside and headed north I began to wonder when I was going to see my Dad and hubby again. I also began to realize that the minute I crossed the 9 mile mark I would be running further than I ever had before. This was a bit scary, but I was still feeling strong. At this point I had stopped to choke down a Gu at every water stop, plus they had Gatorade, so I was feeling okay.

Just before mile 10 I saw my Dad and hubby. I begged for water and they walked beside me while I drank. It was then that I realized how truly tired I was and how much distance I still had left to cover. I never felt like I wasn't going to finish, but I was seriously kicking myself for letting things get in the way of my training plan. My Dad told me to keep on moving and hubby gave me a kiss and said he would see me at the finish line. That felt like so far away at that point, but I kept trudginng along.

Miles 11-13 are a blur. I remember passing the 11 mile marker, but after that I kept asking every volunteer along the road where the finish line was. I'm sure I sounded ridiculous to them but I just needed to know where I was. I should've known I had a long way to go judging the distance I was from downtown, but I wasn't thinking very logically at this point. There was a lot of walking in the last 2-3 miles.....A LOT!!! I was really mad at myself for walking so much when I was so close, but honestly I hadn't trained my body for these later miles, so I wasn't that surprised. Plus there is a giant effing hill (okay maybe it's not that bad) coming into downtown off of Southwest Blvd. I was less than thrilled to see this monster in the last mile of the race, but what are you gonna do! This fat girl just walked up the damn hill and then ran down the other side (problem solved).

I honestly do not know what carried me through the last mile of this race. I was extremely fatigued. My legs didn't hurt, they were just very tired and heavy. My back was sore, my face was cold, and my uterus hurt (yes, really). But I did it. I crossed that finish line at 3 hours 29 minutes 49 seconds. That's right......a whopping 11 seconds before the 3-1/2 hour mark (Nike app says 13.1 miles in 3 hours 20 minutes 24 seconds). Not my original goal time of 3:10, but I beat my "adjusted" goal time by 11 seconds. Hey, I figured I couldn't go out there and totally dominate this thing or I wouldn't leave myself any room to PR the next race! It was so awesome to see my hubby and kids screaming for me at the finish line. My in-laws were there too, cheering me on as if I were their own! And my sister and her wife were there supporting me as well (click on video link below to hear sister screaming her head off)!


One good thing about being fat and slow is that you're usually at the back of the pack (although I did NOT finish last) and there are a ton of pics of me all by my lonesome (link below):


Some pics are good, some are not so good. But I did it!!!

This experience has been amazing and I can't wait for the next race. I plan to be able to run the entire 13.1 miles. And someday I will complete a full marathon. Right now I'm just going to enjoy the fact that I have the first race under my belt.


Friday, November 22, 2013

Perfection VS Reality

In a perfect world, I would have properly tapered my mileage in the past two weeks by going on easy runs every other day to keep my legs fresh but warmed up and ready to go for the race. In reality, this fat girl has only logged 3 miles since November 7th. AAAGGGGHHHHH

In a perfect world, I would have been able to cook carb-loaded meals and rest at home in the evenings the week before the race. In reality, I saw mountains and palm trees all in one day while traveling for work. It was pretty, but I'm effing exhausted!

In a perfect world, I would have completed every single training run and reached 12 miles before tapering. In reality, I missed an entire week in the middle, only reached 9 miles as my long run, and let life get in the way during my taper period.

In a perfect world, I would wake up on race day and be greeted with blue skies and 55 degree temperatures all day long with zero wind. In reality, Mother Nature is being a bitch and we are supposed to have freezing rain with a high of 36 and south winds at 10-20 mph. Whisky Tango Foxtrot!!!

In spite of all this, I will be lacing up my shoes and pounding the very frigid pavement for 13.1 miles on Sunday. I am going to enjoy this. I am going to come out of this a better person. And I am going to do absolutely NOTHING for the rest of the day once I cross that finish line.

I have no idea what Sunday holds for me. I'm not sure how long it will take me to complete the race. I'm not even sure that I won't be crawling instead of running across the finish. The only thing I am sure of is that I will make it to the start line and I will finish this race. It may not be pretty, but it doesn't have to be............this is just the first of many.

13.1 OR BUST

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Best Laid Plans........

So I haven't run since last Thursday (1 week ago)!!! NOT. ONE. SINGLE. STEP.

Oh the shame! I seriously let "life" get in my way this time. My Mom used to say "life is what happens when we're busy making plans". That beautiful Mother of mine sure was a smart lady. Lord have mercy I miss her.

I made a plan earlier this week to run NO MATTER WHAT. Guess what? That didn't happen. I worked late every single night and it was dark before I even left the office (and it was friggin' COLD). It's super hard to get motivated to go run when you're exhausted and it's dark and cold outside. These are all excuses and I need to get my fat ass in gear. If I run tonight then technically I will only miss 1 of my planned runs for this week (guess I'm running tonight). This little "break" I have taken could not have come at a worse time. The Route 66 half marathon is only 8 days, 23 hours, 14 minutes, and 8 seconds away (commence screaming/crying/fit throwing)........

I hesitate to even try to make another plan at this point because I will be flying to Denver Monday, then New Orleans/Baton Rouge Tuesday, and back home on Thursday. I am seriously irritated that I have to travel the week of the half marathon, but really I have no choice (duty calls). I know that if I don't make a plan, I probaby won't run at all, so here goes: 3 miles tonight, 5 miles Sunday, 3 miles in Baton Rouge Wednesday, 2 miles at home on Friday.

So there it is, my new "plan".

A month ago I stated that I wanted to finish the half under 3 hours and 15 minutes. At this point with so much of my training down the toilet, I just want to finish.............

Monday, November 11, 2013

"Back" to the grind!

I'm just gonna come right out and say it. I did not run 10 miles this weekend. I'm a little dissapointed in myself, but I think I will be better off in the long run (pun intended) for putting it off.

While packing for Texas on Saturday I tweaked my back again. Don't ask me how beause I couldn't tell you. I was putting clothes in a bag and when I turned around to get more stuff out of the closet, BAM! I'm sure it has something to do with my lack of core strength and all that jazz. I really need to start working on that........

By the time Sunday rolled around my back was still stiff and my heart just wasn't in it. I didn't want to set out to finish 10 miles and have a blow to my confidence with a bad long run this close to the race, so I decided to skip it. Now I'm staring at the calendar flipping smooth out. I was supposed to hit 10 miles yesterday, then 8 miles this weekend, then taper with a couple 3 milers before the race on the 24th. There is no way I will get both the 10 and the 8 mile long runs in, so I think I'll go with the 8. I reached 9 miles two weeks ago and that run was pretty good, although I was exhausted by the time I finished. I have been told, however, that on race day, adrenaline will carry you in the latter part of the mileage. I'm hoping that proves to be true.

The only issue I have now that I've wrapped my head around skipping the 10 mile training run is time (isn't this always a problem?)!!! This week is plum full and the sun goes down 20 minutes after I get home. I have yet to make peace with the treadmill and I am certainly not going to jump on that torture machine and bang out 8 miles. I guess it's time to make peace with running around in circles under the street lights in my neighborhood. It may not be Riverside, but it's far better than the treadmill.

No matter how bad my training has been, I have to run 13.1 miles in 13 days!!! My type A / OCD personality is really not coping well with the training runs that I have missed. When I have a plan, I like to stick to it. But I have come to realize that it's not always possible to do everything you want and need to do each and every week. Sometimes we have to make choices and take a little step back due to injury. Sometimes we simply don't feel like spending 2+ hours pounding the pavement, and that's okay. Save it for another day. I will get two 3-4 mile runs in this week and I will run 8 miles this weekend come hell or high water! It might be dark and cold outside, but I will be running..............

Friday, November 8, 2013

Only 2 miles................and that's okay

So I was supposed to log 4 miles last night, but I didn't. I ran only 2 miles before calling it quits, and that's okay. I secretly knew that I was going to do this before I even laced up my shoes. It's a damn miracle I ran at all last night to be honest.

My legs were still heavy from the 4 miles on Wednesday and I never run back to back days because I'm not trying to kill myself here! I would like to run more than 3 days a week, but my current schedule and physical fitness just doesn't allow it...............some day though

Stats: 2 miles - 28:36 - 14'16"/mile

My running partner was back in action (thanks Tina) and I realized how much I miss running with her. Too bad she won't be able to do the race with me. I'm going to make her run one with me next spring though (ssshhhh, she doesn't know yet).

Only 15 days, 23 hours, 1 minute, and 13 seconds until my first half marathon begins; but who's counting?

P.S. - this is the most lame blog update in the history of blog updates (deal with it)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Will run for pizza........and beer

Yesterday I had to put in 4 miles on my typical "day off" because it was pouring down rain Tuesday and I had pitching lessons at 5:30 and needed to get in more than 2 miles. I had planned to run at Riverside and brought my running gear with me to work, but I forgot my spi belt and headphones. This just will NOT do! So instead I ran on 51st street outside the neighborhood. My Dad is in town and was coming over for dinner later in the evening and I was ready to get my run out of the way. It felt like a bit of a chore at first actually. My legs weren't particularly hurting, but I could definitely feel them. My breathing was surpirisingly terrible during the first mile or so. My legs warmed up around the 2 mile mark and I started to feel a little better.

At 2.5 miles I got a text from the hubby saying that my Dad wanted us to meet them at Minuteman Pizza instead of them bringing pizza to the house. I immediately responded with "you go ahead, I'll run there". His response was "Huh?" - I simply repeated what I had already typed and shoved my phone back into my belt (pretty sure hubby thinks I'm crazy). I turned left down Spruce and headed through the neighborhoods towards 41st street. This stretch was a little irritating as it was getting dark and there are no sidewalks, so I'm running on the street unsure if the oncoming vehicles can actually see me. I had to hop up the curb and run in the grass several times, but I made it to 41st and Nike lady let me know that I had 1/2 a mile to go until I reached 4 miles. I carefully crossed 41st to get on the proper side of the road and took off again, this time WITH a sidewalk. As I approached the parking lot where the pizza parlor is, I began to wonder if I was going to get to 4 miles before I reached the door. Silly me! Just run until you reach 4 miles dummy! I knew I only had a few hundred feet to go because Nike lady told me so. I ran past the door back and forth on the walkway outside the pizza parlor 3 times before I hit the 4 mile mark. I'm sure that was awfully entertaining for all of the patrons stuffing their pie holes. I was pretty proud of myself for running to meet people for dinner. Two months ago I would've used this as an excuse and said "screw my run, I have dinner plans". This way I got to have my pizza and eat it too!

Stats: 4 miles, 56:41, 14'06"/mile (eh, ho hum)

My legs are feeling pretty good today. I don't really get sore nowadays unless I pound the pavement for more than 6 miles or so. Kind of crazy how far I've come just in the last 30 days. The only pain I'm feeling today is from a completely stupid and non-running related injury that I suffered last night. Per my usual nightly routine, I was walking around the house picking things up after the offspring retired for the evening. I noticed several toys in my jacuzzi tub (which is pretty typical - the youngest seems to think it's a spaceship or a boat or whatever his little heart desires). I stepped into the tub to retrieve the toys and damn near went end-o. You see, there was a little bit of water in the bottom of the tub (this is also typical because the youngest thinks he needs to eff with the faucets all the time). I did not fall down and go boom, but I did slam the inside of the left knee into the side of the tub. This is not feeling very awesome at the moment and I cannot wait to be reminded of this incident this evening every time my left foot hits the ground. Gotta love stupid injuries.............

4 miles again tonight and then a rest day before waking up EARLY on Saturday to hit the pavement by 6:00 am for my 10 miler. This should be interesting; if you know me at all, you know that I am by no means what anyone would consider a "morning person". The problem is that I have no choice but to run this early on Saturday. I'm getting on a plane to Texas with the hubby around noon and we don't get back until 9:00 pm on Sunday. If I don't get my 10 miler in early Saturday then it will have to wait until Monday and there's not enough daylight and that would mess up my entire schedule for the next week and my boss is coming into town from Boston and I already have to rearrange my running schedule next week for dinner meetings and AAAAHHHHHH (best run-on sentence EVER). I think you get the point; I'm busy!!! Yes, I'm truly busy, and not in that "OMG look at how busy I am, I'm way busier than YOU" sort of way. Life is not a competition and I would love nothing more than to be able to report that I'm bored all the time with absolutely nothing to do. But I do it to myself honestly. I guess when you get right down to it I wouldn't want it any other way.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Can I just skip the first 4 miles?

I haven't been very good about updating the blog this past week. Shame on me! My reason is mostly that I didn't have much to post about, until yesterday.....

After my 8 miler last Sunday, I flew to Boston Monday morning and didn't come home until close to midnight on Wednesday. This required me to rearrange my running schedule a bit and get a 4 miler in Tuesday evening after work. I really wanted to run outside in Boston, but two things kept this from happening; (1) I didn't bring any long sleeve shirts to run in and it was about 45 degrees when I set out to run, and (2) I worked later than anticipated and it was pitch black out when I got back to my hotel. No big deal, I'll run on the treadmill at the hotel.

Let me just preface this by saying that I have not run on a treadmill in YEARS. I can't even remember exactly how long it's been. I do not like treadmills; I like sidewalks and trails and things to look at other than my horrible pace on the dashboard. I got dressed in my running gear and headed downstairs. There was already a guy on one of the treadmills and all I could think about was how embarassing it would be if I fell off the damn thing (I did not fall off by the way). I jumped on and started walking while I got my music ready. After a few minutes I upped the speed and off I went, even though I was literally going nowhere. After a few minutes I was super bored and my legs were hurting pretty bad, so I took a walking break. All the while the guy next to me is pounding away never breaking stride (I secretly hated him). I started back up again only to take another walking break a few short minutes later. What the hell is wrong with me? It's only 4 miles, get it together! I am ashamed to report that I stopped the treadmill at 2 miles and called it good enough. I could not stand to be on that torture machine for one more second. I know that 2 miles is better than zero, even if I did walk more than usual, but I was seriously disspointed in myself.

Since Thursday was Halloween, I didn't attempt my next 4 mile short run for last week until Friday. I had a terrible day at work and was looking forward to blowing off steam on the trail. The temperature was perfect and I should've had just enough time to get 4 miles in before dark. Hubby and the boys went with me to play at the park near the trail while I ran. I took off and had the usual horrifying pain in my shins and calves. Something was different about this day mentally. I just couldn't push through. I quit after 1 mile and sat on a park bench and cried. I felt absolutely ridiculous crying over something so silly, but I was completely and utterly defeated by this run. I sat there wondering how I was ever going to make it 9 miles on Sunday.

Sunday rolled around and I had the typical nerves all day. I psych myself out all day long worrying about the impending doom that I will face on the trail. Thankfully an old high school friend was going to be joining me. I'm so glad she did because I don't think I would've finished if she hadn't been there. She didn't run it for me and she didn't really make it any easier than it would have been otherwise, but her presence alone pushed me to finish (thank you Sandy). We started at 41st and Riverside and took off south for 1-1/2 miles before turning back around. This entire stretch was excruciating and I remember asking Sandy "is it supposed to feel like this?" - she said no and we kept plodding along. I have no idea what my intervals were for this run because I just ran when I felt like it and took walking breaks when I needed to. When we reached the parking lot where the cars were we took a quick break to stretch and drink some water. Hubby and the boys left at that point and we took off north for the remaining 6 miles. Somewhere around the mile 4 mark I realized that my legs were warmed up and were no longer hurting. I spent the next 2 miles or so in relative bliss due to the lack of pain. I had just finished telling Sandy that my upper legs are always fine but from the knees down it's complete misery. I was lucky enough to have these 2 miles to enjoy, and oh how wonderful they were! It's amazing what a difference it makes when you just push through the pain and get your legs warmed up. Now that I have experienced this first hand I think it'll make things easier going forward. Just after 6 miles I started to get very fatigued. I had a carb gel at mile 2.5 and 6, but I needed a lot more energy than what I had in my system. My sides began to hurt from breathing, I could just feel the exhaustion in my legs, but we kept moving. It was almost easier to run at this point than to walk. We were headed back south and the wind was a bit chilly. Those last few miles weren't that bad. What almost killed me was the last few hundred feet. It was like being able to see the finish line but it was just moving further and further away. I was so happy to finish this run, not because I wanted it to be over, but because I proved to myself that I can do this. I was completely spent last night when I got home, but it was so worth it.

Stats: 9 miles, 2 hours 11 minutes 40 seconds, 14'36"/mile

With October over, I am able to report my mileage for the month. Total miles came to 50.14 (11 total runs) and an overall average pace of 14'26" per mile. This is compared to September at 31.64 miles (11 total runs) and an average pace of 14'58" per mile. I didn't get in as many miles as I wanted to in October, but I am still improving and that's all I can really ask for. I know I'm going to have bad days and not get my mileage in. The key is to keep moving forward and let it just roll off, because honestly, it's not the end of the world.

I'm going to take some advice from my sister and repeat these three words from now until the race.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Compression sleeves, Gu, and great company

So yesterday was my long run. I was nervous about this run all week and psyched myself out as usual, but it went very well.

After my 7 miler last week, I was really not looking forward to logging 8 miles and then being in pain for several days. There were three very large differences for this run though. The first being that I had purchased compression sleeves for my calves and was trying them out for the first time. I was a little skeptical, but these things are wicked awesome! I hardly felt any pain in my shins and calves and my knee held up quite nicely. I am still very sore, and sitting on a plane for 3+ hours today didn't help, but I'm much better off than after last weeks long run.

The second difference was that I was trying out carb gel (Gu) for the first time instead of choking down sport beans like I usually do. I was a little worried that my tummy wouldn't handle the gel, but all was well (nine nine busta rhyme)! The texture was a little strange the first time, but once you get used to it, it's not so bad. I have no idea if the gels helped (I took one at mile 2 and again at mile 6), but I felt energetic until the last 1/2 mile or so.

The third, and probably the most important, difference was that I had company for this run. The kiddos were with my mother-in-law Saturday night so the hubby joined me Sunday morning for my 8 mile run. In one regard this was very irritating. I mean, seriously, I have been "training" since July 7th to run longer distances and still feel like I'm going to die towards the end every weekend. This man hasn't run in years and just plodded along beside me carrying on a conversation and pushing me when I needed it. It's frustrating, but it was much appreciated. I'm not saying he didn't feel it, he was very sore yesterday evening, but during the run he never even batted an eyelash. I sure do love that man.

I can see you hanging on the edge of your seat so I'll get down to the stats for this run.
8 miles; 1:56:08; 14'31" average

If you remember correctly, and I know you do, I averaged 15'22" on my 7 miler last week. I know I'm not supposed to pay attention to pace on my long runs, but it feels good to know that I was running much stronger this go round and the distance was 1 mile longer.

I started off this run with a 3:1 interval. After 2 miles I told the hubby that I was sick of hearing the interval timer beep in my ear and I was just going to turn it off. He told me that I would probably run longer that way, but I wasn't so sure. I'll be damned if he wasn't right! By the end of the run I had run four 1/2 mile distances without stopping to walk, and my walking intervals were much shorter as well. This no doubt helped my average a great deal.

At one point during the run a man pulled up beside us and asked how we did at the Tulsa Run this weekend. We didn't participate in the Tulsa Run, but I loved that he asked because it at least meant that I looked like a runner instead of some fat girl hobbling down the trail. We chatted with him while we ran back to the car for a water break, and at one point I looked down to see that we were doing a 10'34" mile. Whoa nelly! Way too fast for me, okay? Maybe I need to run in groups more often?

While this LR was wildly successful and gave me the confidence I needed, I'm hurting for sure tonight. I'm due for 4 miles tomorrow and will be running in 40 degree weather here in Boston. I'm hoping that I wake up with less soreness tomorrow. I'm also hoping that I can find somewhere to run outside around the hotel so I don't have to spend an hour on a treadmill (YIKES).

For the first time, I'm beginning to think I might actually be able to do this. Only 26 more days!


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Time management

I was scheduled for 4 miles yesterday, but only had time for 2. Before July 7th (my running birthday) I would not have even bothered with the 2 miles, but the new me thinks that 2 miles is better than zero! What amazed me about this run is how awful only 2 miles can feel. After racking up 7 miles on Saturday, I thought this little 2 miler would be a breeze. I was dead wrong. My legs were like heavy concrete blocks and my shins were SCREAMING the whole time.

Stats: 2 miles, 28:10, 13'54" average

I'm getting really sick and tired of my legs hurting for the majority of every run. There is just no possible way that it's supposed to feel like this. The soreness in my knee is one thing, but stabbing pain in both of my shins on every run is entirely another. I'm going to continue stretching and use my grid roller after every run in hopes that this miraculously goes away. Otherwise the mental aspect of running will have to serve me well if I'm going to make it 8 miles this weekend.


Monday, October 21, 2013

I am a tortoise, and proud of it!

I have two runs to update y'all on.

Friday I logged 4 miles in the rain! Well technically only 2 of those 4 miles was in the rain, but still. I ran right after work on Riverside. I parked my car at 41st as usual and decided to take off southbound for a change (big mistake). I knew it was supposed to rain, but I was determined to get my run in anyway. I ran south for 2 miles before turning around, and I was kicking myself for doing this on the way back to the car. I was having a miserable time around the 1 mile mark; my legs were heavy, my knee was hurting, and I was wondering how I could possibly be more miserable. Well I got my answer when I hit 2 miles and turned around to head northbound. Mother nature is a biatch! It began to rain a little and the wind picked up out of the north around 15 mph. Another 1/2 mile later it was raining sheets and I was drenched from head to toe. It was 50 degrees, but it felt like 20 with my wet clothes and the wind. I was cursing myself for not sticking closer to the car. Now I had no choice but to finish the run in the rain while freezing my tush off. This proved to be a good thing however; had I stuck closer to the car, I never would've finished my mileage in that weather. I was pretty proud of the fact that I kept on going, but really I had no choice. The stats for this run aren't particularly earth shattering; 4 miles, 58:07, 14'27" average. The takeaway from this run is that I can get my mileage in no matter what the weather holds. Yes I was miserable, but I did it.........

Sunday I was faced with my long run after only putting in one short run since my 6 miler last Wednesday. I decided to skip one of my short runs this week so I could get back on schedule with my long runs on the weekend. The sun is going down far too early for me to get those long runs in after a full work day. My legs were feeling sluggish all day so I was playing the mind game with myself before I even got started on this 7 mile run. I got all my stretching in and took off on the trail southbound into the wind. Oh my goodness it was windy! I hate running in the wind, it just sucks. It was nice to turn around and go northbound though; it felt like the wind was literally pushing me forward. At the 2 mile mark I stopped back by the car for some water and I just wanted to quit right there. My breathing was fine, but my legs were not cooperating. The pain in my shins was borderline unbearable and got only marginally better when I took walking breaks. I did not quit! I got some water and headed back out on the trail, continuing northbound. I ran a little over 1 mile in that direction and then turned around to head back to the car for some more water. When I reached the car this time I had less than 3 miles to go. I realized that my legs were feeling better and I just might be able to do this. Maybe I just needed to get warmed up? I took off again, this time southbound so I could finish with the wind at my back. This 2.5 mile stretch wasn't bad, save for the fact that around mile 6 my feet were super sore. First time that has happened to me on a run. Guess the increased mileage really does affect the body. I am finding all sorts of new things when I increase my mileage. Such as the fact that my neck and back were killing me last night (guess I was super tense the entire time). Aches and pains aside, I finished, albeit very slowly. My average pace for this run was 15'22" for a total time of 1:47:56, and I'm okay with that. My last 3 miles were super slow and took a toll on my average, but I never would've finished if I hadn't slowed down.

My goal for the half marathon is to finish in 3 hours and 15 minutes. That will require a 14'53" average over 13.1 miles. Judging by my 7 mile performance yesterday, I might not hit the 3:15 mark. But then again, who knows. There are still 34 days of training before November 24th.

I saw a quote this morning that was perfect:
"Acknowledge all of your small victories. They will eventually add up to something great." - Kara Goucher
The small victory here is that I ran 7 miles. I didn't do it quickly, but I did it. Enough said!


Thursday, October 17, 2013

No rest for the weary....

Last night was night #2 of horrible sleep, and it's taking its toll. I also think the rhino virus has set up camp in my body. LOVELY!

Now on to more important items, last night’s 6 miler……

I completed the run in 1 hour 27 minutes and 49 seconds at an average pace of 14’27”

Pretty darn good considering I didn’t know if I was going to be able to do it at all. I also set a PR for my fastest mile at 12’46” (watch out y’all, I’m a speed demon)! This PR came during the first mile and my pace slowed down quite a bit from there, which is obvious from my slower overall average. I chose 4:1 run/walk intervals for this run and I think I will stick with those numbers (5 minutes just seemed like a bit much on my last 4 miler).

In general, this run felt pretty good. Once I hit the 4.5 mile mark, I knew I was going to finish. There is nothing like knowing that you’re going to complete something that you set out to do, no matter how much it sucks. Around mile 5, I started to have this funky pain in my left shin. It didn’t really HURT, it just felt strange. I slowed down a bit and it went away, hopefully to never return. My knee hurts this morning, but it’s a bearable pain and is probably just sore. I’m hoping and praying that my knee holds out until the race in November. I’ve been taking glucosamine twice a day like a geriatric lately so that should help.

I also hit a mini milestone during this run. Since July 7th, I have logged 104.5 miles! I don’t care how fast you’re going, 100+ miles is better than zero…………..

Now I just have to make it through this workday without passing out or falling over while walking on my sore legs.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

LR and the mind game

Today is my long run (LR) day. Why I scheduled this on a weeknight I do not know. It just happened. I am moving towards doing my LR on Sundays so I'm going to skip one of my 4 milers this week. Today's required mileage is 6 miles. HA! I'm such a funny girl.....

I am feeling quite 'BLAH' today, and it's not even time for breakfast yet. Woke up with a headache and my give a damn is seriously busted. I'm going to need an attitude adjustment to get through the rest of this day and the 6 mile run. All I gotta do is get my gear on and lace those shoes up; after that, it all falls into place. Getting to that point is the hard part. I'm already telling myself how hard it's going to be to run 6 miles. My inner voice is saying "this is gonna suck", "your knee is going to hurt", "you'll be sore for days", "why in Sam Hill do you do this to yourself", "you're not even losing weight, you're just making yourself miserable"! Yeah, my inner voice isn't very nice sometimes.

I'm getting very irritated at the fact that I'm always tired. I'm also extremely done with food in general right now. I get so sick of planning and shopping and cooking (or the lack thereof). I need a live-in chef that will do all of this for me AND tell me what to eat. Since that's not going to happen anytime soon, I will just have to settle for trying to eat my fruits and vegetables, or effing v's (F&Vs) as my Mom used to call them, and getting in plenty of good carbs. And apparently surviving on 1,500 calories a day and training for a half marathon is not a good idea (OOPS). Who knew? I'm trying to lose weight here, why would I want to pack on the carbs and calories!!! This is probably why the scale isn't budging and why I'm so tired all the time. It's so frustrating when you sabotage yourself without even knowing it.

I am going to turn this thing around today and start to use positive self talk leading up to my long run this evening (yes, I just said 'positive self talk'; no, I have not been watching Dr. Phil - thought it up all by myself):

"I can do this!"
"6 miles is nothing!"
"Who cares if I'm not losing weight, it'll happen when it happens!"
"Who cares if there's constantly dishes in the sink and laundry to be put away!"
"Who cares if the kids whine all the time and do crazy things because they're attention starved!" (Okay, I actually do care about this one, but taking 3 days each week for myself is not that big of a deal, especially when it's to go workout)
"Who cares if you're running slow, you're RUNNING!"

To keep the positivity going, I shall leave you with this quote that was passed on to me by a friend. It made me smile and I think it's VERY true!

"If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't mattter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run" - John Bingham


Monday, October 14, 2013

Officially crazy I am!!!

Purple Stride Oklahoma was this weekend and it was awesome! Thank you to all of my friends who were a part of this event either by donating or participating.

I completed the entire 5k without walking and it was amazing to show myself that I could do it. I beat my previous PR by 12 seconds with a time of 42:32 and an average pace of 13'40" (that is lightning fast for me)! I really wanted to PR this race and run the whole thing because it's for Pancreatic Cancer awareness and that disease is the shits! It took my Mom way too young and I will do anything to raise awareness and research funds. The whole day was a success and a little emotional for me, but it was good.

I'm supposed to run 6 miles tonight but it's raining and my Grandma invited us over for meatloaf. UGH! I hate making choices in life. I really really really need to run tonight to stay on schedule, but I haven't gotten around to getting my gym membership to run inside. I don't mind running in the rain as long as it's warm, but it's a bit chilly outside so that's pretty much out of the question. I'm just going to adjust my calendar and make it work.

I have to make it work because I just did something REALLY stupid. I actually signed up and paid for the half marathon that I've been talking about. Suddenly this is all VERY real. There are only 40 days left until this fat girl will be standing at the starting line with nothing between her and the finish line except 13.1 extremely long hard miles. I am literally sick to my stomach just thinking about it. The farthest I have run so far in my training is 5 miles and I just feel so unprepared. I realize a lot can happen in 40 days; I mean, look how far I've come in the last 40 days. I just don't see how it will possible for me to do this. I know I can, I know I will, but my psyche just can't get on-board right now. I need a serious kick in the arse.

It might be a little late, but I'm going to start getting serious about cross-training and nutrition. That second one is such a pain. Life would be so much easier if I didn't have to eat and plan to eat and shop to eat and on and on and on......


Thursday, October 10, 2013

What the what!?!?!?

Oh my goodness my 4 miles yesterday were BRUTAL.

I ran on Riverside again, which is usually great. Yesterday, though, the very thing that typically acts as motivation was downright discouraging. Normally, when I see other runners on the trail, I get motivated......"look at us all, we're running, we're awesome!". Yesterday, the only runners I saw were the ones coming around to pass me like I was standig still. I got schooled by an old man in a sweatband wearing Richard Simmons shorts. It was just embarassing!!!

Statistics-wise, this wasn't a terrible outing: 4 miles, total time = 59:29, average pace = 14'28"

The bottom line is that this whole run was miserable. My legs were heavy, my shins hurt, my calves were screaming, and I struggled to run/walk a 5/1 interval the ENTIRE TIME! The only good thing about this run was that I lapped everyone on the couch and I found out that my new running pants and spi belt rock..........that's about it.

It's obviously a rest day, but I want to run tonight (what the what?!?!). I'm not physically capable of doing so because I'm in Houston for work and won't be home until 11:00 pm. While I was running last night, I repeated phrases like "never again", and "why do I do this to myself?". So why in the world do I want to run today? All I can say is that I'm hooked and will continue to torture myself for some reason unbeknownst to me.

Let's hope the MIND OVER MATTER mantra continues to work, because I'm going to need it.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fleet Feet Rocks!

So I went into Fleet Feet today to buy some running pants and a spi belt. Running around in all cotton while holding my phone and car keys in my hands just isn't cutting it for me anymore. That was fine for 2 miles, but not for 5+ miles.

Anyway, I secretly hate going to these running specialty stores for anything because I really don't feel like a runner. I'm always afraid that someone is looking at me like "what is that fat girl doing in here?"! I was also concerned that they wouldn't have any running pants that would fit me.

I was wrong on both accounts!

Not only did they have pants that fit me, but I didn't even come close to fitting in the biggest size they carried. WOO HOO!!!

The lady that helped me while I was in the store and recommended the spi belt to me was wicked awesome. She asked me about my training program and I didn't want to, but I told her about how I am running AND walking. I figured I would get that look.......you know the one......."you're not a runner, you're a wolf in sheep's clothing"! Instead, she told me about how she did an ironman (WOW) and for the running portion she did a marathon by running for 5 minutes and walking for 2 minutes. She said it was the only way she could get through it without her back bothering her.

See, I am a runner!

Love/Hate Relationship.....

My run last night was a perfect example of my love/hate relationship with running. My shins and calves were sore for the first mile, but everything loosened up after that and felt pretty good. But by mile 3 (with 2 to go), I didn't know how I was going to finish. I was running with lead feet and legs of stone. Oh my goodness the pain! How am I ever going to do 13.1 miles when I feel this awful during a 5 mile training run? It just doesn't seem possible........

For this run I think I finally found my ideal run/walk interval of 7-1/2 minutes to 2-1/2 minutes. With this interval, I don't have to do a bunch of math in my head, however rudimentary it may be. I can see that within a ten minute timeframe I am running 75% of the time and walking 25% of the time. Doesn't take a genuis to figure that out, but that's what I like about it.

So a quick recap of the last (and only other) time I ran 5 miles: Total time = 1:16:42 / Avg pace = 15'20".........
Last night I did the exact same route and distance 4 minutes faster! My time last night was 1:12:26 at an average pace of 14'28"!!!

I'm sure it seems odd for ANYONE to be excited about a 14 minute mile average on any run. But this is pretty quick for me. You also have to take into account that I'm walking 25% of this "run" at or above a 20 minute mile. The other 75% of running is usually between 12 and 13-1/2 minute miles. The walking clearly drags my average down, so don't think I'm out there running at almost 15 minute miles all the time, because I'm not. I don't know why I just explained all that, I'm only in competition with myself. And last night, I won!

All that being said, I am hurtin' for certain today. I haven't been sleeping well for the past few nights and I'm concerned that it has something to do with overtraining (something I read on the internet so it must be true.....HA)! My legs are super sore and I'm starting to have trouble with my left knee again. Soreness in my legs I can handle, but knee issues are a different story. Up until about two weeks ago when I started to increase my mileage, my knee was giving me ZERO problems. Now I can "feel" it everyday and it's starting to worry me.

Is 13.1 miles even possible for me?


Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekend Run / 12'00" Pace?

Put in 4 miles on Saturday, even though I absolutely did not want to. I fought with myself for 30 minutes before sucking it up and heading out the door. I decided I didn't want to have to blog about how I was a lazy bum over the weekend and didn't get my mileage in, so I ran instead!

I drove to Riverside to get out of the rut that I've been in with running the same ole routes. It really did help.

My total run time was 56:27 at an average pace of 14'06" (last time I ran 4 miles my average was 14'09".....yay for small victories)

I checked my pace about 1/2 a mile in and was shocked to see that I was running below a 12 minute average. This has NEVER happened before and I'm not sure what came over me. For a few seconds I thought there might be something wrong with my app even. Fat girls do NOT run this fast......what the heck is going on? The really weird part is that I didn't FEEL like I was running any faster than my usual snails pace.

I purposefully slowed down because I didn't want to expend all my energy up front. I'm so glad I did because around the 3 mile mark I didn't know how I was going to finish! Makes me wonder how in the world I'm ever going to be able to make it 13.1 miles. All I know is that somehow, I will make it.

Slated for 5 miles this evening.


Friday, October 4, 2013

My experience with Runners World forums

Allow me to rant for a bit here................

Creating this blog has been a very good thing for me. I publicly state what I am going to do, and then I do it. Prior to this blog, it would have been easy to just stop at 1 mile and say "screw it, I don't feel like it". But the thought of even 5 people reading this thing and seeing that I'm supposed to run X miles that day is enough to get me moving. Even if nobody EVER reads this blog, it's out there and it's possible for someone to read it some day, so it's just a little extra motivation for me.

So running is going well and I decided to check out the forums at Runners World to see what that community is all about. I like the blogging community, so forums might be pretty cool as well. OH EM GEE was I wrong!!!

Rather than copy and paste the 10 blog posts I had already made to that point, I decided to just put my blog link on the "beginners" forum so people could "get to know me" and read my story thus far. I figured moving forward they would know where I'm at in my training without having to re-post stuff into the forum. BIG MISTAKE! Apparently I committed a cardinal sin and they called me a "troll" and said I was just trying to direct traffic to my blog. HA! I don't care about blog traffic.........you think I get paid or something? Good gracious!

So long story short, I will not be going back to the Runners World "community", because it is not a community at all. A few people came to my defense, but at the end of the day I just don't have the time or patience to deal with all that negativity and downright rude behaviour. To those of you that do frequent the Runners World forums, especially the "beginners" forum, you might want to check your people here. Not a very warm welcome and I was turned off by it so bad that I lasted all of two whole days. I posted the same thing in two other forums on Runners World and got ZERO negativity.

I will keep on keepin' on, just wanted to share this with anyone who might be thinking about joining any type of forum. Lesson learned, DO NOT post your blog on your first go-round. Take the time to painstakingly copy and paste everything on your blog until all those nasty rude people are caught up. Then MAYBE they will welcome you and not treat you like complete SHAT. No promises though..................

Gaunlet Conquered! But........

So yesterday I publicly stated that I was going to run for 2 miles without stopping. That would be 0.9 miles further than I have run without stopping during this training. I'm not sure what possessed me to do such a thing, but I did it nonetheless. And it helped! During my run I kept thinking "you can't stop, you told everyone you were going to do this, now do this!"

I am happy to report that I ran the 2 miles without stopping! As soon as Nike+ girl said "2 miles completed", I let out a sigh of relief and started to walk. Something happened during that walk though; 30 seconds in I thought "why are you walking......move your legs and RUN!"
I had just run 2 miles of a 3 mile run without walking, why not just keep running and see how far I could go? So after 1 minute of walking, I began to run again. I made it to the 3 mile mark before cooling down with a walk.

Mentally this felt really good. Physically this was a nightmare. My average pace of 14'35" was faster than normal, which isn't surprising. What surprised me is that it wasn't drastically different than when I run for 10+ minutes and walk for 2-3 minutes. This, coupled with the fact that I felt like my legs were going to fall smooth off, tells me something. I need to stick with the run/walk thingy-ma-jig until I get stronger. The last time I ran 3 miles was 9/25/2013, where I ran 17 minutes and walked 3 minutes until I finished. My average for this run was 14'53", and let me tell you, it felt way easier than last night where I decided I was Lolo Jones and ran all but 1 minute of my 3 mile run. Running the whole thing (less one minute) only took 18 seconds off my average and I felt like poop when I was done. I think I will be sticking with the run/walk method from now on to save my legs, especially for long runs. It was nice to prove to myself that I could do it though.

It's funny how you learn something from each run. Did I prove to myself that I could run 2 miles straight without walking? YES! Do I want to do it again anytime soon? NO!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Throwing Down the Gaunlet

So I realize that to some people, running 2 miles may seem like a walk in the park. Well not to this fat girl!!!

I need to start pushing myself. Up to this point, I have not run more than 1.1 miles straight without walking. Today I am giving myself the challenge to run 2 miles before I take a walking break. I'm only scheduled to run for 3 miles total, so I feel like this is a good training run to do this with. On my longer runs (long for me anyway) of 5, 6, and eventually 10 miles, it will be wise for me to alternate running/walking so I don't make myself miserable.

Thank you to everyone who has kept up with this blog so far. It is a good way to hold myself accountable. Knowing that I put this goal on here will help push me tonight so that I can come back tomorrow and not have to tell you that I wussed out. Your comments keep me pushing so keep them coming.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New schedule and some stats.......

So I've got a revamped training schedule now. I decided to look at my mileage so far and adjust my mileage moving forward. I also pulled some stats together just to see how far I've come. It helps to look back and compare where you are now to where you started. I know you're just dying to know what I found out, so here ya go......

Total Runs = 9
Total Mileage = 15.28 miles
Overall Average Pace = 17'17" per mile

Total Runs = 12
Total Mileage = 26.86 miles
Overall Average Pace = 15'45" per mile

Total Runs = 11
Total Mileage = 31.64 miles
Overall Average Pace = 14'58" per mile

I'm going to look back at this post periodically to keep myself motivated. Even when I have a crappy day and only manage 1.5 miles when I'm supposed to do 3, I know that I'm improving. As I said before, I'm in competition only with myself. Looks like I'm winning!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I ran 5 miles last night!!! 5 MILES Y'ALL.................

It wasn't pretty and it wasn't fast, but I made it. I decided to reduce my running time to 10 minutes before taking a walking break for 3 minutes. This made the run way more manageable (and enjoyable). I'm glad I can do that and still feel accomplished. There is still a small piece of me that thinks it doesn't count if I walk, or that I have to run for 30 minutes straight to even qualify myself as a runner. I know that's ridiculous...............but that's how I feel sometimes. Someday I will be able to run a 5k without walking, but today aint that day! I just have to stick to it and gradually increase my running time.

I know you're just dying to know the stats for my 5 mile run; total time of 1 hour 16 minutes 42 seconds, pace of 15'20", total running time = 60 minutes, total walking time = 16 minutes and 42 seconds. Nothing record breaking here, but not too shabby considering that 3 months ago I was on the couch and never would have dreamt about running 5 miles. The best thing about it is that I'm only in competition with myself, so my pace doesn't really matter, as long as I finish!

I shall leave you now with my thoughts and reflections from this run:

Mile 0.5: My back actually feels pretty good, this might not be so bad......

Mile 1.0: For the love of all things holy my shins and calves are killing me!

Nike+ app says 3.5 miles to go
Mile 1.5: What?!?!?! 3.5 miles? This is so not doable for me. What was I thinking?

Mile 2.0: In another 2 miles, I will only have 1 mile left.....pssshhhhh, that's nothing!

Mile 3.0: I can't feel my legs anymore and my feet are numb. Is that a good thing?

Mile 4.0: Holy crap I'm actually going to make it!

Mile 4.5: Is that guy shadow boxing up there? Oh my, now he's sprinting! And stopping to shadow box again......interesting

Mile 5.0: I did it!!! Where in sam hill is my water?!?!?!?!


Monday, September 30, 2013

I just have to........

I cannot stand it!

I must run tonight. I cannot sit idly by while 12 weeks of training goes down the drain. No stinkin' way!!!

After a little research, I have decided to test my road-worthiness tonight with a 5 mile run. This will obviously be done with intervals of walking, because let's face it, I'm still a 'fat girl' trying to train for a half marathon. Walking is a must at some point during these long distance runs. If I didn't have those walking intervals to look forward to I don't know if I would make it, honestly. Sad......but oh so true!

I plan to take it pretty easy tonight on the pace, not that I'm usually a road runner or anything. I'm pretty sure I've been passed by a few mailboxes on some of my runs recently. But in all seriousness, it seems that if your back does not hurt in the act of running, then it is okay to run. This is all the permission I need to at least give it a try. It's not like I injured my back while running, I bent over to pick up my laptop for crying out loud. I promise to back off (pun intended) and limp my 'fat girl' self back home if my back starts to hurt tonight.

Wish me luck!


Sunday, September 29, 2013


Well I decided to take the advice of my older and wiser running friend (yes Allen, I called you old). I will not be attempting to run 5 miles today. Apparently running with a sore back is a good way to bring other injuries, and I cerainly don't need that!

I will let my back heal and pick up my training plan as soon as humanly possible. I just hope that's not too many days away!


5 miles?

I am due to run 5 miles today. At this one moment, that is truly laughable. My shins and calves are still hurting from my abysmal 1.5 miles on Friday. To add insult to injury, I "pulled" my back this morning. I wish it was from doing something major, like lifting a car off of someone who was trapped after an accident. But that is not how things work in my world. After making my morning coffee, I leaned down to get my laptop out of my bag. When I stood up, voilĂ ! Instant pain and suffering for no reason whatsoever......

I am determined to get these 5 miles in today if it kills me.


Friday, September 27, 2013

MIND OVER MATTER......except when your shins are exploding!

My run tonight was absolutely horrifying. I can't even qualify it as a run.

I was scheduled to put in another 3 miles. I'm tired and my legs are fatigued, but nothing out of the oridanary as I lace up my shoes. I do my usual stretches and take off walking for a few minutes to warm up my legs. I start my Nike+ app and begin to run, planning to stick to my training interval of 17 minutes of running and 3 minutes of walking for this week. I take my first few strides and feel the usual soreness that generally accompanies the first few minutes of every run. Something felt different this time, however. Typically the soreness subsides around minute 5, although it never really goes away. Tonight, I had to stop and walk for a few minutes after only 6-1/2 minutes of running. Trying not to beat myself up about it, I started again into my run, thinking "I can still redeem myself and just reduce the amount of walking between intervals later on in the set". But alas, my legs had different plans for me.

After another 3 minutes of running, I had to stop and walk again. This pain is different than the typical "discomfort" that I feel with every run. Let's face it, running isn't easy! If it were, everyone would do it. But my legs have NEVER felt this bad before. I had a double threat combo going on with my right shin killing me and my left calf cramping up every few seconds. Not exactly pleasant. At this point, I was pretty discouraged and upset, but feeling like I could still redeem myself and finish, pain or not. When I took off running the third time, the pain was so bad that it stopped me in my tracks. This is when it hit me that I might injure myself and be out for a couple of weeks if I try to push through the pain. I listened to what my body was trying to tell me and walked the rest of the way home, which brought me to 1.5 miles total; at a pace of 15'52". Oh the horror!!!

What has happened to my body? I have always been able to push through the discomfort and talk myself into putting one foot in front of the other. Why is this run different? I think I made the right decision to stop; the last thing I want is an injury (or injuries) that could potentially take me out of training for several weeks. With less than 2 months to go before the half marathon, I really cannot afford to take that much time off. Knowing that I made the right decision doesn't make it any easier to swallow.

When I reached the house, I cried for 20 stinkin' minutes. My husband looked at me like I was crazy! It's just a run, what's the big deal? Apparently it's a very big deal to me. All I can do is rest tomorrow and try like hell to make my required 5 miles on Sunday. Here's hoping my legs recover and feel better by then.

Another day, another dawn...........

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I don't get it....................

How is that you can have an "easy run" at a 4 mile distance, and turn around 3 days later and struggle with 3 miles? I don't get it!

It has been said that there is no such thing as an "easy run", and I agree. Running is hard. It hurts, but it's worth it. At least that's what I tell myself when I'm struggling to put one foot in front of the other.

I did not break any land speed records yesterday, but I finished my 3 miles. It was my first training run doing intervals of 17 minutes running and then 3 minutes walking . Because I was adding two minutes of running and only adding 1 minute of walking to my intervals, I was expecting my average pace to improve, but alas, it did not cooperate with the numbers. I averaged only 14'53" for this 3 mile run. On my 4 mile run Sunday, I averaged 14'09"......I don't get it! I suppose every run is different, no matter what the distance.

As for the questions about why I'm going backwards in mileage (4 on Sunday; 3 yesterday), it's called training. The idea is not to go out and kill yourself each week and run double the mileage from the week before. Training for a half marathon, or any race for that matter, is a gradual thing. If you increase your distance or your pace by more than 10% each week you are very prone to injury. My knee is already starting to give me trouble just with the small increase in mileage over the last week of my training plan. People think that if you do not run farther or faster each week then you're not getting any better. FALSE! It takes years to become a distance runner, not weeks. Your mindset must be slow and steady wins the race; I'm not talking average pace here, I'm talking about easing into something rather than going all out and overtraining. If you do this, you will be sorry come race day.

I may not "get" a lot of things, but I do know that running is simply MIND OVER MATTER

Monday, September 23, 2013

Well my 4 mile run went well yesterday! I beat my previous 5k time by over 4 minutes and managed to lose my pinky toenail. That's right! I now have a badge of honor. I am OFFICIALLY a runner. A little strange since there was no bruising or pain, but the toenail just fell off. Is it weird that I was happy about this? I think not!

I think I will be able to do a 5k in under 40 minutes by October 12th, which is my goal for Purple Stride. Maybe someday I can aim for coming in under 30......


Friday, September 20, 2013

Run Log (Tuesday, September 17th and Thursday, September 19th)

Oh boy did I pay for those six days off last week! I ran my required 2.5 miles last Tuesday while out of town for work. I ended up skipping my run last Thursday because I did not get home from the airport until 11:00 pm (excuses excuses, but a valid one at least). When Saturday rolled around and I was due to run 4 miles, I just didn't feel like it (I told myself I would make it up on Sunday, but I didn't).

I ran my required 2.5 miles this Tuesday, but I paid for it big time. My legs hurt from the second I started to the second I finished and my breathing was more labored than usual. I will NEVER skip a run again if I can help it. My pace was 15'20", which included two walking intervals at 2 minutes each. Not too shabby for this fat girl.

Yesterday I put in 3 miles at 14'29" (again with two walking intervals at 2 minutes each). This was a PB for me for a 3 mile distance; I beat my last time by 40 seconds! I actually had a 1/2 mile segment of this run where I didn't feel like my legs were going to fall off. It was great! I still hurt pretty bad when I got done, but luckily my husband was there to torture me (I mean massage my calves and shins).

Due for my first 4 mile run on Sunday. Should be interesting. I know I can physically do it, I just need to get my mind to know that I can do it.


Half Marathon Training

September 1st - 7th (Rest - Rest - 2 miles - Rest - 2.5 miles - Rest - 3 miles)
[Run 15 minutes - Walk 2 minutes]

September 8th - 14th (Rest - Rest - 2.5 miles - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 4 miles)
[Run 15 minutes - Walk 2 minutes]

September 15th - 21st (Rest - Rest - 2.5 miles - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 4 miles)
[Run 15 minutes - Walk 2 minutes]

September 22nd - 28th (Rest - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 5 miles)
[Run 17 minutes - Walk 3 minutes]

September 29th - October 5th (Rest - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 6 miles)
[Run 17 minutes - Walk 3 minutes]

October 6th - 12th (Rest - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 3.5 miles - Rest - 7 miles)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 4 minutes]

October 13th - 19th (Rest - Rest - 3.5 miles - Rest - 3.5 miles - Rest - 8 miles)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 4 minutes]

October 20th - 26th (Rest - Rest - 3.5 miles - Rest - 4 miles - Rest - 9 miles)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 3 minutes]

October 27th - November 2nd (Rest - Rest - 4 miles - Rest - 4 miles - Rest - 10 miles)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 2 minutes]

November 3rd - 9th (Rest - Rest - 4 miles - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 12 miles)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 1 minute]

November 10th - 16th (Rest - Rest - 4 miles - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 8 miles)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 1 minute]

November 17th - 23rd (Rest - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 2 miles - Rest - Rest)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 1 minute]

November 24th (HALF MARATHON)

In The Beginning..........

So here we are approximately 11 weeks after I decided to start running (AGAIN)! This is my third, that's right people, THIRD attempt at becoming a runner. I have always been an athlete, played college softball as a matter of fact! But two kids and 10 years at a desk have done me zero favors when it comes to staying in shape. I do understand that round is a shape, but that's not exaclty what I'm striving for here.

Becoming a runner has taunted me for 3 years now. I have always known the health benefits of running, but I didn't really want to DO it until I met someone at work who was a marathon runner (he just recently did the Pikes Peak marathon.......and yes, he's CRAZY). This intrigued me and I decided in 2010 to download the 'Couch to 5k' app for my phone and try it out. This would be my first failed attempt at becoming a runner. Six weeks into the nine week program I could barely walk. My left knee hurt so bad during and after running that I decided it just wasn't worth the misery, so I quit. Did I feel guilty? Yes! Did I feel guilty enough to continue running? No!

The second failed attempt came in 2011, when once again I started the 'Couch to 5k' program but never completed it. I reached Week 8 this time around, but on December 23rd, my world was turned upside down. I completed week 7 that evening after dinner, came home, took a shower, and went to bed. Around midnight I got a text message from my sister saying that she and my parents were on the front porch and that I needed to come open the door. You see, my Mom had been having pain in her torso for several weeks. She went to the doctor in early December and they did a CBC, which showed elevated liver enzymes. The doctor suspected that it might be gallstones, so they did an ultrasound of the area. They told her the ultrasound was "inconclusive" and that she would need to have a CT scan. This brings us to Friday, December 23rd, 2011 - the day of the CT scan. The scan was in the late afternoon (I can't recall exacty what time), and at that point the worst part of the whole ordeal was thinking "I can't believe my Mom might need surgery to remove gallstones on Christmas Eve"! It's funny looking back now that all I was worried about was surgery around Christmas time.......if only! My husband had gotten out of bed to let my sister and parents into the house while I grabbed a robe out of the closet. When I went into the living room, my Mom got off the couch and walked over to me. She calmly looked me in the face and said "I have cancer". I knew immediately after my sister texted me that I would be hearing those words. In one instant my world was forever changed. My Mom was only 48 years old at the time. We are 18 years apart and she was my best friend. I was absolutely frozen in that spot and could not find words. Once I rebounded enough to ask a few questions, I found out that it was pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly of them all with only a 5% survival rate. A few days later we found out it was stage 4, even worse news. Needless to say the next few months were filled with more scans, doctors’ appointments, chemo treatments, hospital stays, and everything else that goes along with cancer. On March 6, 2012, my Mom turned 49 years old. On March 9, 2012, my Mom passed away. Although I had 77 days to come to terms with the fact that I was going to lose my Mom very soon to this disease, nothing can prepare you for that moment. Yes, I was glad she was no longer in pain. But I want my Mom back! Everytime I looked at my boys (who were 5 years and 18 months old at the time), I just got angry that they were going to have to grow up without their Nana, who had been a very large part of their lives before she got sick. Anyway, I digress.........

So I didn't run for a very long time. It obviously took me some time to come to terms with my Mom's death. So fast forward more than a year and 40 pounds later to July 7, 2013. For some reason, I decided that I want to run a half marathon. I'm not sure why, I just want to prove to myself that I can do it. I started running again 11 weeks ago, on July 7th. Who in their right mind decides to start a half marathon training program in the middle of summer?!?!?! Seriously!

I started out again with the 'Couch to 5k', but this time it was an 8 week program that builds you up to running 30 minutes without stopping on the last day. I did this with an average pace of 16'04" and a total distance of 2.62 miles. Not quite a 5k, but I ran for 30 minutes without stopping. My speed is definitely not anything to write home about, but I ran for 30 minutes without stopping. And I lived through it! I have yet to run 30 minutes without stopping since that day. During week 9, I started a 12 week half marathon program. For this 12 weeks I decided that I would start with running for 15 minutes and walking for 2 minutes, then build from there. I am currently in week 11, although I did skip two runs last week because I just flat out didn't feel like it. I am okay with this, but I paid for it on Tuesday.

Long intro, but good background. More to come...................