Thursday, October 3, 2013

Throwing Down the Gaunlet

So I realize that to some people, running 2 miles may seem like a walk in the park. Well not to this fat girl!!!

I need to start pushing myself. Up to this point, I have not run more than 1.1 miles straight without walking. Today I am giving myself the challenge to run 2 miles before I take a walking break. I'm only scheduled to run for 3 miles total, so I feel like this is a good training run to do this with. On my longer runs (long for me anyway) of 5, 6, and eventually 10 miles, it will be wise for me to alternate running/walking so I don't make myself miserable.

Thank you to everyone who has kept up with this blog so far. It is a good way to hold myself accountable. Knowing that I put this goal on here will help push me tonight so that I can come back tomorrow and not have to tell you that I wussed out. Your comments keep me pushing so keep them coming.



  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comment! I adore you right back :) 2 miles are hard! They are still hard! It doesn't get easier but you'll get better. Good luck on your journey - seems like you are doing great!!

  2. I just read your post in the Runner's World forums and thought I'd pop in to say wife and I are running in our first half-marathon this weekend and we can certainly relate to the ups and downs of the training experience. This time last year running 13.1 miles was something that I wouldn't even consider being possible but after a summer and an early autumn of training I'm confident that I am ready.

    Bad runs still happen from time to time for any number of reasons; an increase in humidity, running too soon after a meal, etc...and the first mile is always the toughest. But there comes a magical moment during your training where, once you run for 'X' number of miles your body just gets into a groove and you feel as though you could just keep running forever. You'll get there...just keep at it!

  3. Thanks guys! I know it will get easier. Part of me wishes I could skip ahead past all this pain and suffering, but I know I will learn something.
