Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New schedule and some stats.......

So I've got a revamped training schedule now. I decided to look at my mileage so far and adjust my mileage moving forward. I also pulled some stats together just to see how far I've come. It helps to look back and compare where you are now to where you started. I know you're just dying to know what I found out, so here ya go......

Total Runs = 9
Total Mileage = 15.28 miles
Overall Average Pace = 17'17" per mile

Total Runs = 12
Total Mileage = 26.86 miles
Overall Average Pace = 15'45" per mile

Total Runs = 11
Total Mileage = 31.64 miles
Overall Average Pace = 14'58" per mile

I'm going to look back at this post periodically to keep myself motivated. Even when I have a crappy day and only manage 1.5 miles when I'm supposed to do 3, I know that I'm improving. As I said before, I'm in competition only with myself. Looks like I'm winning!