Monday, September 30, 2013

I just have to........

I cannot stand it!

I must run tonight. I cannot sit idly by while 12 weeks of training goes down the drain. No stinkin' way!!!

After a little research, I have decided to test my road-worthiness tonight with a 5 mile run. This will obviously be done with intervals of walking, because let's face it, I'm still a 'fat girl' trying to train for a half marathon. Walking is a must at some point during these long distance runs. If I didn't have those walking intervals to look forward to I don't know if I would make it, honestly. Sad......but oh so true!

I plan to take it pretty easy tonight on the pace, not that I'm usually a road runner or anything. I'm pretty sure I've been passed by a few mailboxes on some of my runs recently. But in all seriousness, it seems that if your back does not hurt in the act of running, then it is okay to run. This is all the permission I need to at least give it a try. It's not like I injured my back while running, I bent over to pick up my laptop for crying out loud. I promise to back off (pun intended) and limp my 'fat girl' self back home if my back starts to hurt tonight.

Wish me luck!


Sunday, September 29, 2013


Well I decided to take the advice of my older and wiser running friend (yes Allen, I called you old). I will not be attempting to run 5 miles today. Apparently running with a sore back is a good way to bring other injuries, and I cerainly don't need that!

I will let my back heal and pick up my training plan as soon as humanly possible. I just hope that's not too many days away!


5 miles?

I am due to run 5 miles today. At this one moment, that is truly laughable. My shins and calves are still hurting from my abysmal 1.5 miles on Friday. To add insult to injury, I "pulled" my back this morning. I wish it was from doing something major, like lifting a car off of someone who was trapped after an accident. But that is not how things work in my world. After making my morning coffee, I leaned down to get my laptop out of my bag. When I stood up, voilĂ ! Instant pain and suffering for no reason whatsoever......

I am determined to get these 5 miles in today if it kills me.


Friday, September 27, 2013

MIND OVER MATTER......except when your shins are exploding!

My run tonight was absolutely horrifying. I can't even qualify it as a run.

I was scheduled to put in another 3 miles. I'm tired and my legs are fatigued, but nothing out of the oridanary as I lace up my shoes. I do my usual stretches and take off walking for a few minutes to warm up my legs. I start my Nike+ app and begin to run, planning to stick to my training interval of 17 minutes of running and 3 minutes of walking for this week. I take my first few strides and feel the usual soreness that generally accompanies the first few minutes of every run. Something felt different this time, however. Typically the soreness subsides around minute 5, although it never really goes away. Tonight, I had to stop and walk for a few minutes after only 6-1/2 minutes of running. Trying not to beat myself up about it, I started again into my run, thinking "I can still redeem myself and just reduce the amount of walking between intervals later on in the set". But alas, my legs had different plans for me.

After another 3 minutes of running, I had to stop and walk again. This pain is different than the typical "discomfort" that I feel with every run. Let's face it, running isn't easy! If it were, everyone would do it. But my legs have NEVER felt this bad before. I had a double threat combo going on with my right shin killing me and my left calf cramping up every few seconds. Not exactly pleasant. At this point, I was pretty discouraged and upset, but feeling like I could still redeem myself and finish, pain or not. When I took off running the third time, the pain was so bad that it stopped me in my tracks. This is when it hit me that I might injure myself and be out for a couple of weeks if I try to push through the pain. I listened to what my body was trying to tell me and walked the rest of the way home, which brought me to 1.5 miles total; at a pace of 15'52". Oh the horror!!!

What has happened to my body? I have always been able to push through the discomfort and talk myself into putting one foot in front of the other. Why is this run different? I think I made the right decision to stop; the last thing I want is an injury (or injuries) that could potentially take me out of training for several weeks. With less than 2 months to go before the half marathon, I really cannot afford to take that much time off. Knowing that I made the right decision doesn't make it any easier to swallow.

When I reached the house, I cried for 20 stinkin' minutes. My husband looked at me like I was crazy! It's just a run, what's the big deal? Apparently it's a very big deal to me. All I can do is rest tomorrow and try like hell to make my required 5 miles on Sunday. Here's hoping my legs recover and feel better by then.

Another day, another dawn...........

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I don't get it....................

How is that you can have an "easy run" at a 4 mile distance, and turn around 3 days later and struggle with 3 miles? I don't get it!

It has been said that there is no such thing as an "easy run", and I agree. Running is hard. It hurts, but it's worth it. At least that's what I tell myself when I'm struggling to put one foot in front of the other.

I did not break any land speed records yesterday, but I finished my 3 miles. It was my first training run doing intervals of 17 minutes running and then 3 minutes walking . Because I was adding two minutes of running and only adding 1 minute of walking to my intervals, I was expecting my average pace to improve, but alas, it did not cooperate with the numbers. I averaged only 14'53" for this 3 mile run. On my 4 mile run Sunday, I averaged 14'09"......I don't get it! I suppose every run is different, no matter what the distance.

As for the questions about why I'm going backwards in mileage (4 on Sunday; 3 yesterday), it's called training. The idea is not to go out and kill yourself each week and run double the mileage from the week before. Training for a half marathon, or any race for that matter, is a gradual thing. If you increase your distance or your pace by more than 10% each week you are very prone to injury. My knee is already starting to give me trouble just with the small increase in mileage over the last week of my training plan. People think that if you do not run farther or faster each week then you're not getting any better. FALSE! It takes years to become a distance runner, not weeks. Your mindset must be slow and steady wins the race; I'm not talking average pace here, I'm talking about easing into something rather than going all out and overtraining. If you do this, you will be sorry come race day.

I may not "get" a lot of things, but I do know that running is simply MIND OVER MATTER

Monday, September 23, 2013

Well my 4 mile run went well yesterday! I beat my previous 5k time by over 4 minutes and managed to lose my pinky toenail. That's right! I now have a badge of honor. I am OFFICIALLY a runner. A little strange since there was no bruising or pain, but the toenail just fell off. Is it weird that I was happy about this? I think not!

I think I will be able to do a 5k in under 40 minutes by October 12th, which is my goal for Purple Stride. Maybe someday I can aim for coming in under 30......


Friday, September 20, 2013

Run Log (Tuesday, September 17th and Thursday, September 19th)

Oh boy did I pay for those six days off last week! I ran my required 2.5 miles last Tuesday while out of town for work. I ended up skipping my run last Thursday because I did not get home from the airport until 11:00 pm (excuses excuses, but a valid one at least). When Saturday rolled around and I was due to run 4 miles, I just didn't feel like it (I told myself I would make it up on Sunday, but I didn't).

I ran my required 2.5 miles this Tuesday, but I paid for it big time. My legs hurt from the second I started to the second I finished and my breathing was more labored than usual. I will NEVER skip a run again if I can help it. My pace was 15'20", which included two walking intervals at 2 minutes each. Not too shabby for this fat girl.

Yesterday I put in 3 miles at 14'29" (again with two walking intervals at 2 minutes each). This was a PB for me for a 3 mile distance; I beat my last time by 40 seconds! I actually had a 1/2 mile segment of this run where I didn't feel like my legs were going to fall off. It was great! I still hurt pretty bad when I got done, but luckily my husband was there to torture me (I mean massage my calves and shins).

Due for my first 4 mile run on Sunday. Should be interesting. I know I can physically do it, I just need to get my mind to know that I can do it.


Half Marathon Training

September 1st - 7th (Rest - Rest - 2 miles - Rest - 2.5 miles - Rest - 3 miles)
[Run 15 minutes - Walk 2 minutes]

September 8th - 14th (Rest - Rest - 2.5 miles - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 4 miles)
[Run 15 minutes - Walk 2 minutes]

September 15th - 21st (Rest - Rest - 2.5 miles - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 4 miles)
[Run 15 minutes - Walk 2 minutes]

September 22nd - 28th (Rest - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 5 miles)
[Run 17 minutes - Walk 3 minutes]

September 29th - October 5th (Rest - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 6 miles)
[Run 17 minutes - Walk 3 minutes]

October 6th - 12th (Rest - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 3.5 miles - Rest - 7 miles)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 4 minutes]

October 13th - 19th (Rest - Rest - 3.5 miles - Rest - 3.5 miles - Rest - 8 miles)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 4 minutes]

October 20th - 26th (Rest - Rest - 3.5 miles - Rest - 4 miles - Rest - 9 miles)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 3 minutes]

October 27th - November 2nd (Rest - Rest - 4 miles - Rest - 4 miles - Rest - 10 miles)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 2 minutes]

November 3rd - 9th (Rest - Rest - 4 miles - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 12 miles)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 1 minute]

November 10th - 16th (Rest - Rest - 4 miles - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 8 miles)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 1 minute]

November 17th - 23rd (Rest - Rest - 3 miles - Rest - 2 miles - Rest - Rest)
[Run 20 minutes - Walk 1 minute]

November 24th (HALF MARATHON)

In The Beginning..........

So here we are approximately 11 weeks after I decided to start running (AGAIN)! This is my third, that's right people, THIRD attempt at becoming a runner. I have always been an athlete, played college softball as a matter of fact! But two kids and 10 years at a desk have done me zero favors when it comes to staying in shape. I do understand that round is a shape, but that's not exaclty what I'm striving for here.

Becoming a runner has taunted me for 3 years now. I have always known the health benefits of running, but I didn't really want to DO it until I met someone at work who was a marathon runner (he just recently did the Pikes Peak marathon.......and yes, he's CRAZY). This intrigued me and I decided in 2010 to download the 'Couch to 5k' app for my phone and try it out. This would be my first failed attempt at becoming a runner. Six weeks into the nine week program I could barely walk. My left knee hurt so bad during and after running that I decided it just wasn't worth the misery, so I quit. Did I feel guilty? Yes! Did I feel guilty enough to continue running? No!

The second failed attempt came in 2011, when once again I started the 'Couch to 5k' program but never completed it. I reached Week 8 this time around, but on December 23rd, my world was turned upside down. I completed week 7 that evening after dinner, came home, took a shower, and went to bed. Around midnight I got a text message from my sister saying that she and my parents were on the front porch and that I needed to come open the door. You see, my Mom had been having pain in her torso for several weeks. She went to the doctor in early December and they did a CBC, which showed elevated liver enzymes. The doctor suspected that it might be gallstones, so they did an ultrasound of the area. They told her the ultrasound was "inconclusive" and that she would need to have a CT scan. This brings us to Friday, December 23rd, 2011 - the day of the CT scan. The scan was in the late afternoon (I can't recall exacty what time), and at that point the worst part of the whole ordeal was thinking "I can't believe my Mom might need surgery to remove gallstones on Christmas Eve"! It's funny looking back now that all I was worried about was surgery around Christmas time.......if only! My husband had gotten out of bed to let my sister and parents into the house while I grabbed a robe out of the closet. When I went into the living room, my Mom got off the couch and walked over to me. She calmly looked me in the face and said "I have cancer". I knew immediately after my sister texted me that I would be hearing those words. In one instant my world was forever changed. My Mom was only 48 years old at the time. We are 18 years apart and she was my best friend. I was absolutely frozen in that spot and could not find words. Once I rebounded enough to ask a few questions, I found out that it was pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly of them all with only a 5% survival rate. A few days later we found out it was stage 4, even worse news. Needless to say the next few months were filled with more scans, doctors’ appointments, chemo treatments, hospital stays, and everything else that goes along with cancer. On March 6, 2012, my Mom turned 49 years old. On March 9, 2012, my Mom passed away. Although I had 77 days to come to terms with the fact that I was going to lose my Mom very soon to this disease, nothing can prepare you for that moment. Yes, I was glad she was no longer in pain. But I want my Mom back! Everytime I looked at my boys (who were 5 years and 18 months old at the time), I just got angry that they were going to have to grow up without their Nana, who had been a very large part of their lives before she got sick. Anyway, I digress.........

So I didn't run for a very long time. It obviously took me some time to come to terms with my Mom's death. So fast forward more than a year and 40 pounds later to July 7, 2013. For some reason, I decided that I want to run a half marathon. I'm not sure why, I just want to prove to myself that I can do it. I started running again 11 weeks ago, on July 7th. Who in their right mind decides to start a half marathon training program in the middle of summer?!?!?! Seriously!

I started out again with the 'Couch to 5k', but this time it was an 8 week program that builds you up to running 30 minutes without stopping on the last day. I did this with an average pace of 16'04" and a total distance of 2.62 miles. Not quite a 5k, but I ran for 30 minutes without stopping. My speed is definitely not anything to write home about, but I ran for 30 minutes without stopping. And I lived through it! I have yet to run 30 minutes without stopping since that day. During week 9, I started a 12 week half marathon program. For this 12 weeks I decided that I would start with running for 15 minutes and walking for 2 minutes, then build from there. I am currently in week 11, although I did skip two runs last week because I just flat out didn't feel like it. I am okay with this, but I paid for it on Tuesday.

Long intro, but good background. More to come...................