Yesterday I had to put in 4 miles on my typical "day off" because it was pouring down rain Tuesday and I had pitching lessons at 5:30 and needed to get in more than 2 miles. I had planned to run at Riverside and brought my running gear with me to work, but I forgot my spi belt and headphones. This just will NOT do! So instead I ran on 51st street outside the neighborhood. My Dad is in town and was coming over for dinner later in the evening and I was ready to get my run out of the way. It felt like a bit of a chore at first actually. My legs weren't particularly hurting, but I could definitely feel them. My breathing was surpirisingly terrible during the first mile or so. My legs warmed up around the 2 mile mark and I started to feel a little better.
At 2.5 miles I got a text from the hubby saying that my Dad wanted us to meet them at Minuteman Pizza instead of them bringing pizza to the house. I immediately responded with "you go ahead, I'll run there". His response was "Huh?" - I simply repeated what I had already typed and shoved my phone back into my belt (pretty sure hubby thinks I'm crazy). I turned left down Spruce and headed through the neighborhoods towards 41st street. This stretch was a little irritating as it was getting dark and there are no sidewalks, so I'm running on the street unsure if the oncoming vehicles can actually see me. I had to hop up the curb and run in the grass several times, but I made it to 41st and Nike lady let me know that I had 1/2 a mile to go until I reached 4 miles. I carefully crossed 41st to get on the proper side of the road and took off again, this time WITH a sidewalk. As I approached the parking lot where the pizza parlor is, I began to wonder if I was going to get to 4 miles before I reached the door. Silly me! Just run until you reach 4 miles dummy! I knew I only had a few hundred feet to go because Nike lady told me so. I ran past the door back and forth on the walkway outside the pizza parlor 3 times before I hit the 4 mile mark. I'm sure that was awfully entertaining for all of the patrons stuffing their pie holes. I was pretty proud of myself for running to meet people for dinner. Two months ago I would've used this as an excuse and said "screw my run, I have dinner plans". This way I got to have my pizza and eat it too!
Stats: 4 miles, 56:41, 14'06"/mile (eh, ho hum)
My legs are feeling pretty good today. I don't really get sore nowadays unless I pound the pavement for more than 6 miles or so. Kind of crazy how far I've come just in the last 30 days. The only pain I'm feeling today is from a completely stupid and non-running related injury that I suffered last night. Per my usual nightly routine, I was walking around the house picking things up after the offspring retired for the evening. I noticed several toys in my jacuzzi tub (which is pretty typical - the youngest seems to think it's a spaceship or a boat or whatever his little heart desires). I stepped into the tub to retrieve the toys and damn near went end-o. You see, there was a little bit of water in the bottom of the tub (this is also typical because the youngest thinks he needs to eff with the faucets all the time). I did not fall down and go boom, but I did slam the inside of the left knee into the side of the tub. This is not feeling very awesome at the moment and I cannot wait to be reminded of this incident this evening every time my left foot hits the ground. Gotta love stupid injuries.............
4 miles again tonight and then a rest day before waking up EARLY on Saturday to hit the pavement by 6:00 am for my 10 miler. This should be interesting; if you know me at all, you know that I am by no means what anyone would consider a "morning person". The problem is that I have no choice but to run this early on Saturday. I'm getting on a plane to Texas with the hubby around noon and we don't get back until 9:00 pm on Sunday. If I don't get my 10 miler in early Saturday then it will have to wait until Monday and there's not enough daylight and that would mess up my entire schedule for the next week and my boss is coming into town from Boston and I already have to rearrange my running schedule next week for dinner meetings and AAAAHHHHHH (best run-on sentence EVER). I think you get the point; I'm busy!!! Yes, I'm truly busy, and not in that "OMG look at how busy I am, I'm way busier than YOU" sort of way. Life is not a competition and I would love nothing more than to be able to report that I'm bored all the time with absolutely nothing to do. But I do it to myself honestly. I guess when you get right down to it I wouldn't want it any other way.
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