In a perfect world, I would have properly tapered my mileage in the past two weeks by going on easy runs every other day to keep my legs fresh but warmed up and ready to go for the race. In reality, this fat girl has only logged 3 miles since November 7th. AAAGGGGHHHHH
In a perfect world, I would have been able to cook carb-loaded meals and rest at home in the evenings the week before the race. In reality, I saw mountains and palm trees all in one day while traveling for work. It was pretty, but I'm effing exhausted!
In a perfect world, I would have completed every single training run and reached 12 miles before tapering. In reality, I missed an entire week in the middle, only reached 9 miles as my long run, and let life get in the way during my taper period.
In a perfect world, I would wake up on race day and be greeted with blue skies and 55 degree temperatures all day long with zero wind. In reality, Mother Nature is being a bitch and we are supposed to have freezing rain with a high of 36 and south winds at 10-20 mph. Whisky Tango Foxtrot!!!
In spite of all this, I will be lacing up my shoes and pounding the very frigid pavement for 13.1 miles on Sunday. I am going to enjoy this. I am going to come out of this a better person. And I am going to do absolutely NOTHING for the rest of the day once I cross that finish line.
I have no idea what Sunday holds for me. I'm not sure how long it will take me to complete the race. I'm not even sure that I won't be crawling instead of running across the finish. The only thing I am sure of is that I will make it to the start line and I will finish this race. It may not be pretty, but it doesn't have to be............this is just the first of many.
13.1 OR BUST
You can do this sister! We believe in you!