Saturday, November 22, 2014

Let the countdown begin

Half marathon number two is only 14 hours, 25 minutes, and 20 seconds away........................well, the start that is. The finish is a little farther off than that, I just don't know how much farther. Distance wise it is 13.1 miles, but timewise is anyone's guess at this point.

My fan club (all 6 of you) seems to think I can finish in under 3 hours with no problem, but I'm not so sure. Although my training this year went better than last year, it still wasn't everything I wanted it to be. That's life though. My Mom used to tell me that life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. So true! Planning on running 8 miles the Sunday before race day? I don't think so, have some knee pain and 5 hours of snow on long run day! Planning on getting in a few 3 milers to keep loose the week before the race? I don't think so, here's three 12 hour days at the office in a row!


It is what it is! The start line is almost upon me and training is behind me. I have those first time jitters out of the way. Although I'm still really nervous, the fear of the unknown is not present. I know I can run 13.1 miles because I've done it before. Not only will I do it again, but I will beat my previous time, I'm confident in that. And it's just a bonus that it will be above freezing this year, albeit potentially raining. I'll take rain over frozen sweat anyday!

According to Nike app, I am expected to finish in 3:04:19. That's an estimated 14 minute PR if I can pull it off (I finished last year in 3:18:18). I have a feeling Sandy is going to push me with her perky self as always. So excited I won't be running alone this year! I will also have the hubby supporting me at several spots along the route by riding his bike again this year. Thanks in advance babe!

Goal #1:  FINISH

Goal #2:  FINISH UNDER 3:10

Goal #3:  FINISH UNDER 3:00

And to all the haters out there that think I'm running half of something tomorrow, feast your eyes on this..................

If you'll excuse me, I need to go stuff my face with potato and get my beauty rest!


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Down But Not Out!

I got one run in this week..................O-N-E!!!

It was Wednesday and it was 27 degrees at 6:30 with no sunlight. I was supposed to do 4 miles but settled for a 5k. I'm a bit of a fair weather runner...................who knew!

Friday rolled around and I just didn't feel like it. Too cold, too BLAH!

I was going to do 8 miles yesterday, but my knee has been bothering me. I handled 10 miles last weekend with no problem. I felt fine during the 5k on Wednesday. For some reason my knee started bothering me Friday afternoon. I have no idea what I did to it, but I got up from my desk at one point and couldn't believe how much it was hurting. There's no telling!

So I didn't run yesterday. My knee is feeling better today, but it started snowing this morning and the last thing I need 6 days before the race is to slip and break something or tweak my knee even worse. So I stayed in bed..................until 9:30! It was blissful.

But now I find myself feeling like a sloth. I haven't run in 4 days and it's quite depressing. I haven't even left the house today. I spend all my time running myself ragged (literally) and then when I do have a day where I do nothing I feel completely worthless. What is up with that?!?!

Only 6 days, 15 hours, 15 minutes, and 10 seconds until the race (but who's counting)!

The plan for this week is to get a 4 miler in on Tuesday, 3 miles on Thursday, leave the office early on Friday (yeah right) to go to packet pickup, and then do an easy 2 miler before going to dinner for my birthday Friday.

Not running puts me in a serious funk! I think that's why I hate winter (I loathe the treadmill)!!!

If you see me moping around during the cold months, now you know why! Mother nature can bite me!!!


Sunday, November 9, 2014

10 miles (the hard way)

Today I completed 10 miles for the second time in my life. The only other time I have reached 10 miles was during the half marathon last year.

Last year I let life get in the way fat girl style and only reached 9 miles during my training. I planned to reach 12 miles during training this year, but again, life got in the way (this is becoming a recurring theme and I don't like it).

Stats:  10.00 miles / 2:21:17 / 14'07" per mile average

Not record breaking speed, but I finished. I was joined again by miss perky face herself (that would be Sandy for those of you not following along). She was a pleasure as always. She graced my ear drums with renditions of Whitney Houston and Dolly Parton, super old school. Don't think I could've done it without her small words of encouragement. After our 9 miles last Sunday, she signed-up to run the half marathon with me. I am so pumped!

Only 13 more days until the race!!!

Last year I finished in 3:29:04 with an average pace of 15'22" per mile. My primary goal this year is to finish (as always). My secondary goal is to beat 3:10:00. Sandy is convinced that I can do it in under 3 hours, but I'm not so sure. I don't want to set a goal and not meet it, so let's just call sub 3 hours my "thirdary" goal (or whatever word is appropriate for a goal after your secondary goal).

This past week I had another rough one with life in general. Work is still kicking my ass and I didn't feel well all week; sore throat, tight chest, headache, and clogged up ears. Needless to say I did not run at all this week. Not a single step since my 9 miles last week. I don't know why I keep doing that to myself. It makes the weekend runs so much harder. I have got to be more dedicated to every single run for the next two weeks or I might just get out there and fall over when I try to do 13.1 miles. I'm tired of doing this the hard way!!!

Here's to no more "starting over" on Sundays!


Sunday, November 2, 2014

9 Blissful Miles

Today reminded me of why I love running. It hurt and it was cold and windy and even rained at one point. But it was amazing!

It doesn't take much to get better than last week's 8 miler. That was horrendous and I would love to just forget about it.

While I didn't get all my mileage in this week because of work, I did get one 4 mile run in on Tuesday. I think that combined with sleeping in on Saturday and catching up on some zzzzzz's made for a MUCH better long run today.

The bottom line is it doesn't matter how tired I am, Sunday is long run day and there are only 20 days left until the race! No time to sit here and be tired:


I have thought several times over the last month about throwing in the towel on training for this half marathon. Work is just so crazy right now that it's hard to justify spending hours each week training for a race. It just feels selfish. But dammit I've worked hard to get where I am and all of that would be gone in less than 2 weeks! So I keep going..................

Sandy ran with me today and it was awesome. I could've done without the 15 mph wind in my face heading South, but I don't control the weather, I just bitch about it.

Stats:  9.00 miles / 2:04:21 / 13'48" per mile average

The last time I ran 9 miles I averaged 14'36" per mile (more progress - slow and steady).

I'm starting to think that I could do this race in under 3 hours. More about that later, but that's the goal (aside from finishing of course).

A lot of people ask me why I started running, much less decided to run a half marathon. They think it's so I can lose weight or stay fit or whatever else they imagine. But that's not it at all. Honestly, it's about setting a goal and accomplishing it no matter what life throws at you.


MIND OVER MATTER (badass style)